Friday 21 March 2014

5 recipes for natural skin peeling before the wedding

Get beautiful skin and soft is the dream of every girl, especially before the wedding, purification and peeling skin on a regular basis helps to remove dead skin and clean the pores, and the renewal of the cells, thereby leaving the skin smooth and brilliant naturally. It is preferable to always use natural skin peelers to prevent damage to the skin from chemical. Here are some recipes for natural skin peeling before the wedding and get the skin soft and radiant.
 1 - Coffee and strawberries Mix a tablespoon of ground coffee with a cup of mashed ripe strawberries, until you have a thick paste. Apply this paste on the skin and massage in a circular motion for a few minutes. Then simmer for 10-15 minutes, before rinsing. Strawberries will make your skin soft, while coffee can help reduce stretch marks and get rid of cellulite. 2 - Oats and almonds Mix ground oatmeal with ground almonds and in a sealed container in the refrigerator, when used take part of the mixture and add to it a little water or essential oil until you have a thick paste. Spread the paste on your body and leave for 15 minutes then rinse. Repeat this recipe 4 times a week. Dry Skin Care  - Milk and Honey Mix 1/3 cup of salt with a tablespoon each of honey, milk and olive oil. Soak your skin with water and then leader of the mixture on your skin and rub in a circular motion for 5 minutes, then rinse. 4 - Vanilla, brown sugar Mix 2 cups of brown sugar with 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract and half a cup of olive oil. With the addition of 3 drops of rose oil and stir the mixture well. Divide this mixture on your face and rub gently for a few minutes then rinse your face with warm water. 5 - Lemon and sugar Mix the lemon juice to fresh with a tablespoon of white sugar, then gently massage the skin for some time and then rinse with warm water. Sugar helps to get rid of dead skin, while lemon softens dark spots and other impurities. Use what suits you best from the previous recipes on a regular basis before your wedding sufficiently in advance to get a smooth and radiant complexion.

Blends wonderful natural for lapping the body and get rid of dead skin

Peeled brown sugar and lemon That helps the mixture to lighten the pores of the skin and cleaned. It also operates natural oils used on the skin softness and freshness of the body.
 Ingredients needed: 1 cup of brown sugar ½ cup of sea salt. 2 tablespoon of coconut oil or olive oil 1 tablespoon of honey 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 tablespoon of any essential oil How to prepare: Mix ingredients together until we get a homogeneous mixture. Skin Care  Moz The mixture is used to wet skin in circular motions, for 10 minutes. Then rinse well and then uses the cream moisturizer. Peeled vanilla, brown sugar and coconut oil Coconut oil has a distinctive smell, one of the best natural moisturizers for the skin. Ingredients needed: ½ cup of coconut oil. ½ cup of brown sugar. ½ teaspoon vanilla How to prepare: Mix all ingredients well, and then used to rub the body while showering for 5 minutes. Then, rinse well with plain water body. Peeled orange peels Ingredients needed: ½ cup of sea salt. ½ cup of jojoba oil, or almond oil or olive oil. 2 tbsp of dried orange peel powder. How to prepare: Mix ingredients together well, then uses a mixture of body scrub in the shower. Rinse body then warm water to Tnami skin refreshed and soft.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Coffee bleaching the skin and restore her health

As we know that coffee bedsore and Chdh, Valgahoh also help whiten skin whitening! Here's the recipe, which we recommend her experience wonderful that you suffer from dark areas in the skin. The amounts of the recipe and method: One cup of milk 3 tablespoons of ground coffee Mix the ingredients and Put the mask on your face and neck for half an hour, then wash the skin with warm water and then cold. Coffee wetted face and eliminate drought .
If your skin is dry and cracked Valgahoh is the solution! Because moisturize the skin is an integral part of your care your beauty this year, we recommend the recipe, which will re-hydration to your face again. The amounts of the recipe and method: 3 tablespoons of coffee One teaspoon of powdered cocoa A little water as needed In a suitable container size Mix coffee and cocoa and add water to them gradually Jeep and need to be formed to have a cohesive dough returned that allows the skin, then Start by putting on your face for 30 minutes and then wash the face with lukewarm water and then cold. Coffee peels off the skin and restores his youth Is Tsedkin that coffee helps in exfoliation of dead skin, also helps on the severity and re youth and vitality to it? If so make sure you experience this recipe enormous.Skin Care  The amounts of the recipe and method: 2 teaspoon of ground coffee One egg whites Mix the ingredients in a bowl, then put the mask on your face for twenty minutes, then wash the face with lukewarm water. Coffee fights and dealing with cellulite Perhaps suspect in the validity of this speech, but the latest studies have proven the effectiveness of coffee in the treatment and the fight against cellulite! If you suffer from it to you this recipe effective. The amounts of the recipe and method: Half a cup of brewed coffee The amount of olive oil Bring a suitable container to put your the right amount that you need them, then Bring coffee and Put above gradually olive oil in order to form your dough is soft and knit at the same time, Begin rubbing desirable areas in Tnhifaa this recipe, such as the buttocks and hips, do not forget to wrap areas in plastic and keep it all day for 10 minutes each region. Drain and then plastic Asthmy. Coffee helps in response freshness to the skin If you've passed the problem of what influenced you, or finished the hard day's work, and if the voltage and fatigue appears on the skin we recommend that you experience this recipe of coffee. The amounts of the recipe and method: The amount of liquid bath or taking the shower gel your your skin Ground coffee Put in a bowl the amount of fluid bathing and linear with an appropriate amount of coffee and Astkhaddmah Huskers to ravenously body twice every week. After this experience, you will notice your skin bright, fresh and tight. In the end, the damage never forget to drink much coffee drinking and generally Avoid stimulants.

Solutions to reduce the appearance of cellulite

The use of minerals and herbs: use a combination of minerals and herbs that stimulate the fat cells absorb toxins from the skin and reduce swelling. Stimulant herbs like kelp or algae that stimulate the fat burning process in the cells.
Mud from cosmetics that will remove toxins and waste from the pores, and horsetail and horse chestnut that reduce (swelling) and provide minerals to enhance the skin Massage: Massage is very good to reduce the appearance of cellulite. It improves the removal of metabolic waste and toxins from the interstitial tissues around the adipose tissue, the skin and gives a softer appearance. You to a massage house and there are many kinds. Coconut oil: Massage the skin with coconut oil naturally available always very useful in the treatment of various skin abnormalities. It also helps to reduce the signs of cellulite. Detoxification three times a week, eat only fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. How To Cellulite
This diet helps to flush out toxins, and prevents the accumulation of cellulite. Reduce the intake of salt in your diet aid, excess salt in fluid retention causing cellulite. Applying a mixture of three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of any good massage oil and massage the affected areas twice a day. This helps in reducing cellulite. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with a small amount of honey. Drink this mixture early in the morning to get rid of cellulite. Peeling skin regularly with the help of a soft brush; this process improves blood circulation in the skin and prevents the development of cellulite. Applying a combination of essential oils of rosemary and fennel in almond oil in the affected areas is very useful in reducing the signs of cellulite. Drinking green tea

Tips to eliminate cellulite

Cellulite is a major source of the complexities for women. How do I get rid of it and efficient technologies to hide these unsightly fatty areas.
 We'll light in what follows on the phenomenon of cellulite with a physician beauty. Is one form of his mother several forms? There are three types of cellulite, and each type requires different treatment. 1 - Fatty cellulite: generally shows that when women filled gained some excess weight. 2 - Cellulite associated with water retention: usually appears in women that are skinny legs. How To Cellulite
In this case, cellulite affects the entire leg. This water retention due to the lack of the lymphatic system 3 - Fibrous cellulite: this condition is genetic which affect women's skinny, specifically those that play sports. This type of cellulite intense and painful and topically, which affects the usual places, which shows where the cellulite in women. Regardless of the type of cellulite, this case constitutes a major source of the complexities for women and a common cause paid to consult a doctor. Up to this moment, it was not very significant development in this area, but got at least some noticeable improvement. Scientists tested several techniques, they are baptized now to combine treatments to achieve the most effective results.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

A new technique to burn fat cellulite

From that need it? These treatments intended for those over the age of thirty and suffer from fat cellulite in the buttocks or thigh or legs, which is fat stored in the upper layers of the skin so that it becomes its shape, such as orange peel,
as it appears in about 90% of women, and rarely seen in men. How to operate such treatment? After consulting your doctor to reduce the level of your cellulite, may you go after work with three levels of treatment is within about 45 minutes.How To Cellulite
 Those levels include massage and ultrasound, as well as radio frequency, which working to expand the blockage of lymph nodes and ease the flow of blood and also burn fat and increase collagen to improve the appearance of the skin. Advised to repeat those treated twice or three times a week for a period of up to more than six weeks, depending on the severity level of cellulite Why undermine this method admiration of many? The cellulite usually be difficult to get rid of it, but this method is easier and safe roads and effective process to reduce cellulite, which can improve skin texture. Facts about cellulite anti-cellulite and get skin tight and body limber. Next to you and called cellulite and Keep trim with these tips to follow the new agility and fitness on your Sign up here

Water is essential to get rid of cellulite

Cellulite is a problem experienced by many people, which is about the accumulated fat, which appear in the form of blocks prominent in women's bodies,
 in particular, due to the presence of fat in the connective tissue, which usually works on the distribution of harmonic, Specialist nutrition and obesity treatment. The slim, that about 58% of women infected Balsilolit, and the real problem is that the injury Balsilolit not linked to obesity excess but may infect thin too. Khalid said, there are some tips that can be followed, and reduce cellulite, an exercise, for a few minutes, or maintain the perpetual motion, which works to burn fat. Prefers when showering that water is a high pressure, to stimulate circulation, improve metabolism your cell fatty acids. Pointed out that drinking a large quantity of water, throughout the day and not once, helps to get rid of toxins that cause the accumulation of cellulite. Reducing the intake of fat, especially saturated, is necessary to get rid of cellulite, those foods products including whole milk, biscuits, chocolate.